Week 20 – Find your inner hedgehog

Gosh the weeks are simply flying by now… so much progress…. so much still left to learn… so many skills….. yikes!! My inner fox is shining through….

Week 20 of MKMMA…. This week I was introduced to a new fable, one which I was not familiar with…. The Fox and The Hedgehog. Most people, as I, had heard of Aesop’s Fable….. The Tortoise and the Hare which in itself provides a unique and simple life lesson which most have come to accept – slow and steady wins the race… but not The Fox and the Hedgehog.

It provides a very interesting and eye-opening concept as to why the ‘masters of multi-tasking’ may seem to have it all together, yet retain less and do not achieve what could be their greatness in whichever task they choose to undertake.

In a nutshell…


As I was cleaning the house this morning, this metaphor of being a Fox or Hedgehog smacked me clean in the scrubbing brush…. lol… I never really gave much thought to the way I clean my house before, usually walking around with a tea-towel on my shoulder (my signature mark if you ask my kids or hubby!), flitting from room to room, tidying up mess as I go and most of the time finding myself in a different place as when I started, then wondering why it feels like I have been cleaning for hours and the house still seems to look the same….. I am a DAMN FOX!!!

I have the one big idea of cleaning my house, but instead of focusing on one room at a time, I go between rooms as I find something to put away and then get distracted at cleaning that part of the house instead of the part I started at! If I can FOCUS my energy on one area of the house, it will get done SO much more quickly…. and it DID!!

Now this may seem like a strange post to write about cleaning, but that is the beauty of this course, the lessons we are learning are SO much more than just to help you in business…. they are to help you in life.


For a lot of people, life itself, combined with multiple requirements put upon us can overwhelm you to the point of thinking… how can I fit all these things in…. and STILL have time for…. family/business/health (insert your own important aspect here!)…. this clip explains it BEAUTIFULLY….

Work out the most important things in your life…. and do them first.

Not sure how to find the important stuff….


Now its time to go and find your inner hedgehog…

hedgehog baby

Live limitless



11 thoughts on “Week 20 – Find your inner hedgehog

  1. Well, crap…I’M a damn fox, too!!! I clean my house the EXACT same way! I always chalked it up to the fact that cleaning is one of my least favorite activities, so if I kept moving “it wasn’t really happening.” LOL. Now I’m gonna have to make an effort to find my inner hedgehog and clean. 🙂


    1. Its one of those glass shattering moments isnt it?!! lol You wait till you find that little hedgehog and just WATCH how much more time you have to “not clean”!! x


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