Week 18 – Whats around the corner…

Do we ever really know what is around the corner?

This last week has been intense to say the least, in our very small town community we have been hit with terrible tragedy’s and are all grieving together. The week before last, we lost our town vet, who was very well known and loved – unfortunately he succumbed to the darkness – a terrible loss. And then we lost another two close community members, husband and wife who were just out for an afternoon ride…. the whole town has been grieving and working in an environment where you are dealing daily with family members of lost loved ones, trying to help them through the pain so they can square things away and move on from their loss has been taxing.

Our exercise of reading obituaries daily was originally set to be a challenge because fortunately, usually, we do not have obituaries in our tri-weekly community newspaper – so I was buying a “city” paper where the stories of people past did not hit heart strings. These last two weeks our tiny little paper has been full of them, with faces we know and love….

The universe certainly works in mysterious ways, the Scroll marked V which we have been conducting our daily reads from…. from the beginning sentence “I will live this day as if it is my last” has had a whole new emotional connection – one that until now I have not been able to put into words (and so yes I am late with my blog this week).


Working hard using the law of substitution – working hard to replace positive and light where we have been surrounded in sadness and sorrow – reminding myself “I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy” and that I have within me the power from the world within to beam radiantly even through such times of sorrow, I am now able to write my blog.

I am ever so grateful for this community and wish to remain in harmony, for myself and those whom I love.

We do not know what is around the corner, so make sure you choose to live every day as if it is your last.

AFD live every moment

CHOOSE to live. CHOOSE to love.

Live Limitless



11 thoughts on “Week 18 – Whats around the corner…

  1. Am, thanks so much for your blog post this week. My heart is with you at this time, and I admire and appreciate you choosing to find the lesson, despite the heartache. You are growing. And I’m sure as you let your light shine, others are finding it a warm comfort in this difficult time. Thanks for letting me share this journey with you. All my best, Alicia


  2. Amber this post was clearly written from the heart. I felt all the emotions you wrote about. I grew up in a small community of 400 and so I truly understand how a village can be affected by the passing of one of its own. My word this week is detachment….the meaning being, “experiencing your feelings without allowing your feelings to control you. Instead of just reacting, with detachment you are free to choose how you will act. You use thinking and feeling together, so you can make smart choices.” I compliment you on your ability to choose (harmony) how you chose how you would support others through this experience. I’m am sure you have had a positive affect on those around you.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Amber
    You wrote this blog from the heart, clearly you are using the MKMMA to control your life, I agree we never know what challenges life can throw at us but we can use the law of substitution to replace a negative thought with a positive thought as you mentioned. Keep up the good work !!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. A sudden loss like that is so hard for everyone!! It is great that you can see that there is light around the corner!! Take care!! 🙂


  5. All that there is, is right here right now. You are being present with what is, with your emotions and with awareness. Grief and Loss are real. You are bringing your heart with you where ever you go. Blessings and Love to you and your community.


  6. Amber, early on in MKMMA I too lost a couple of friends – a coworker and a board member on my job. I also was informed that my daughter was diagnosed as terminal, so I very much understand what you are experiencing. Grief is a harder emotion than most to let go of, but this program has taught us what we need to do to eliminate the negative. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


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